Beach House

On the Massachusetts coast, the prevailing wind is Southwest. In one special area of the south shore, the summer breezes pick up the salty air of the oyster-filled bay as it makes its way to the barrier beach. Here, there is a community of folks that take advantage of these cool breezes as they find relaxation away from the city fray. Houses are tucked in tight, however, with thoughtful consideration, neighbors find they can be both connected and private as needed.

This was the concept behind Beach House One which is situated in the most easterly location with a protective sea wall that, recently rebuilt higher than the original, created an opportunity for this project.

Knowing that the water view was going to be impacted by the sea wall from the lower level, the main living space was located a story up – with a large deck on both the east and west end, allowing that cool breeze to flow through, cooling the house. At times when an easterly (cool) sea breeze kicks in, the westernmost deck serves as a great place to enjoy the sunset and hide from the wind as needed.

The primary suite occupies the 3rd level, giving the homeowners, a majestic view, and privacy for the multiple generations that like to visit often. And, atop of the world, a roof deck, hidden from the neighborhood, has views for miles in all directions.

Construction: Jim Duffy
Interiors: Meghan Lewis